Photograph of Hirota, Yukinori; Hirota, Aiko
Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg did plasmid and other aspects of the genetics of various strains of Escherichia coli including K-12. However, Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg also did genetic research of Salmonella typhimurium including research collaboration with such people as B. A. D. Stocker and S. Cohen (see Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg's published
papers). Other researchers who Esther M. Zimmer knew well who specialized in similar investigations included the following:
- Adelberg, E. A.
- Anderson, E. S.
- Arber, W.
- Baron, L. S.
- Bertani, G.
- Clowes, R. C.
- Datta, N.
- Frédérique, P.
- Fukasawa, T.
- Hirota, Y.
- Jacob, F.
- Luria, S. E.
- Mäkelä, P. H.
- Meynell, E.
- Meynell, G. G.
- Stocker, B. A. D.
- Takano, T.
- Watanabe, T.
- Weigle, J.
Relevant papers with their references include the following:
"Study of the association of resistance to two drugs in a transferable determinant
in Salmonella typhimurium" by E. S. Anders, Marianne V. Kelemen,
Christine M. Jones and J.-S. Pitton, Genet. Res., Camb (1968), 11, pp. 119-121.
"Change of host range in a resistance factor" by E. S. Anderson and E. J. Threlfall,
Genet. Res., Camb. (1970), 16, pp. 207-214.
"Derepression of F-lac in Salmonella typhimurium by a determinant
for kanamycin resistance" by H. R. Smith, June N. Grindley, N. D. F. Grindley and
E. S. Anderson, Genet. Res., Camb. (1970), 16, pp. 349-353.
"The effects of Salmonella typhimurium on derepressed mutants of F-like
factors" by N. D. F. Grindley, E. S. Anderson, H. R. Smith, and June N. Grindley,
Genet. Res., Camb. (1971), 17, pp. 89-93.
"Fertility Inhibition in strains of Salmonella typhimurium" by E. S. Anderson
and H. R. Smith, Molec. Gen. Genet. (1972), 118, pp, 79-84.
"Characterisation of Derepressed Mutants of an F-like R Factor" by N. D. F. Grindley,
June N. Grindley, H. R. Smith, and E. S. Anderson, Molec. Gen. Genet. (1973), 120,
pp. 27-34.
"The characterization of plasmids in the enterobacteria" by E. S. Anderson and
E. J. Threlfall, J. Hyg. Camb. (1974), 72, p. 471.